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Silk and Pearls Photograph by Sue Capuano

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Comments (15)

Susan Capuano

Susan Capuano

Thanks to the buyer from Mentor, OH. Hope this brings joy to you!

Joyce Dickens

Joyce Dickens

I am sincerely amazed by your awesome work Susan....how incredibly gorgeous!!!

Sue Capuano replied:

Thanks Joyce, I appreciate your support!

Shirley Sirois

Shirley Sirois

It's a most interesting and unusual photo, Susan!.....v.

Sue Capuano replied:

Thanks Shirley! :-)

Maria  Disley

Maria Disley

So beautiful!

Sue Capuano replied:

Thanks Maria, glad you like it!

Bob Orsillo

Bob Orsillo

Susan I love this composition - I do not believe corn every looked so regal! v/f

Dawn Senior-Trask

Dawn Senior-Trask

Magical! What a serene and lovely image! v/f

Pamela Patch

Pamela Patch

Beautiful image, excellent work Susan. fav/vote

Gun Legler

Gun Legler

Fantastic capture Susan! Like precious jewellery! voted

Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington

Really cool shot, Susan! v/f

Susan Capuano

Susan Capuano

Thanks for featuring this in "Water Water and Water" Darren, I appreciate it!

Sharon Burger

Sharon Burger

Just beautiful Susan,natures pearls....

Sue Capuano replied:

Thanks Sharon, glad you like it!

Chris Berry

Chris Berry

Instant fave. so many reasons...Wonderful color and the delicate, flowing silk covered in the wonderful droplets - they are so delicate, clear and lovely...not to mention the horticultural/agricultural aspect of this image....drought has ravaged so much this year. Great work. f/v

Sue Capuano replied:

Thanks Chris, I appreciate your comments and support. It certainly has been a hard year for farmers, our area in northern Maine has been lucky as far as weather this year. I am thankful for the corn and other vegetables we have.

Karol  Livote

Karol Livote

WOW...Excellent capture, Susan!! FAv

Sue Capuano replied:

Thanks Karol, glad you like it!

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Silk and Pearls by Sue Capuano
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