Cardinal in Balsam

by Sue Capuano
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
2981.000 x 2129.000 pixels
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Comments (59)

Morris Finkelstein 16 Days Ago
Beautiful close up photograph of a Northern Cardinal with great pose, colors, and perspective, Sue! F/L

Sue Capuano
Many thanks to the buyer from East Longmeadow, MA.for the purchase of this framed print. Hope it brings joy this season!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Munford, TN.for purchasing two 25 packs of this card! Hope they bring joy to the sender and receivers!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Waukegan, IL.for the purchase of this card. Hope it brings joy to the giver and receiver!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Hoboken, NJ.for the purchase of a Jigsaw puzzle. Hope it brings enjoyment while you piece it together!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Tolland, CT.for the purchase of this greeting card. Hope it brings you much joy!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Indianapolis, IN. for the purchase of a 25 pack of greeting cards. Hope they bring joy to all who receive them!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Westmount, QC - Canada for purchasing two 25 packs of greeting cards! Hope they bring joy to the giver and all those who receive them!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Sobieski, WI. for the purchase of this mug. Hope it brings you joy for years to come!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Maryville, TN for the purchase of this image! Hope it brings you joy for years to come!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Grayslake, IL for purchasing this pretty little cardinal to grace their Iphone ! Hope it brings you joy!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Lewes, DE. for purchasing a 25 pack of greetings. Hope they bring joy to all who receive them!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Huntingtown, MD. for the purchase of this face mask hope it keeps you safe and healthy!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Cambridge, MN for the purchase of this puzzle. Hope you have hours of fun putting the pieces together!

Sue Capuano
Thanks to the buyer from Darien, IL for the purchase of this greeting card. Hope it brings joy to all who view it!