Spring Ice 1

by Sue Capuano
Spring Ice 1
Sue Capuano
Photograph - Photography
No. 1 in my "Spring Ice" series. Spring ice forms some unique designs due to temperature change and high winds. Image taken of a frozen puddle somewhere in Washington County,Maine in mid April.
April 24th, 2014
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Comments (19)

Leif Sohlman
Congratulations, Susan, for for being featured artist for the week in Old Masters. It is as alien vehicycles are traveling in space, well done.

Donna Kennedy
Congratulations Susan on being chosen for the Featured Artist of the Week in the group, Old Masters Photographers and Digital Arts!...L

Lenore Senior
CONGRATULATIONS, Sue~~You are the Featured Artist of the Week in the group, Old MASTERS--Photographers and Digital Arts! This is but one example of your excellent work! Love this! v/f/ feature.

Lois Bryan
Fascinating find, Susan ... I love seeing what Mother Nature does to puddles, too, but haven't seen anything as unique as this!!! Well seen and captured!!! l/f