Orbiting the Web

by Sue Capuano
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
2592.000 x 3872.000 pixels
This piece is not for sale. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Comments (31)

Melinda Firestone-White
Love the drops of water on the web, so delicate and beautiful!! You have a thing for critters, I enjoyed viewing your galleries.

Blair Stuart
Wonderful work Susan, this is an outstanding capture, the beads of dew look like diamonds exploding into the air.....love it!! V/F+

Lenore Senior
Love the subtle sense of drama and abstract in this piece. Beautifully done with great design and just gorgeous work! v/f

Kirsten Giving
Hello Susan! You have created a masterpiece, turning something "everyday" into a thing of great beauty. Your titles are also perfect for your images. A f/v. Kirsten

First Star Art
*Featured in the Total Abstract Photography Group. :^} jrr
Sue Capuano replied:
Thanks for featuring this in "Total Abstract Photography" jrr, I appreciate it!

Lourry Legarde
Great photo, Susan. I like the way the color tone makes the dewdrops almost look like glass. f/v

Hanne Lore Koehler
Awesome, Susan!! It takes an artistic eye to see the beauty in such microcosms. You are very talented to capture such gorgeous detail, light and composition. Thank you for your gracious comment on my painting.