Feathers and Pearls

by Sue Capuano
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
4080.000 x 3264.000 pixels
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Feathers and Pearls
Sue Capuano
Photograph - Photography
Water drops clinging to downey feathers. Photographed with macro lens and extension tube.
April 22nd, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (30)

Rosa Cobos
Out of this world...incredible close up...rather a microcosm of finery and extreme elegance. You are the "master and commander" of this quest toward beauty and meaning. Rosa

Paul Lovering
Awwwwwwwwwwwww Susan what an astounding piece of photography , My Fave Of The Day for sure ..... Inspired work my friend .. Woawwwwww

Sharon Mau
. . . . . . ♥ . beautiful work Susan . lovely colour tones . it is quite magical . . ♥ . . . .

Paul Lovering
Like the finest piece of jewellery , priceless photography Susan ....... Love love love

Susan Capuano
Thanks for the features in "Total Abstract Photography" and "Women Photographers" I appreciate it! :-)

Sharon Burger
A jewelry designer would love this beauitful, exquisite design by nature.. beautifully taken Susan
Sue Capuano replied:
It would make an awesome ring wouldn't it? Thanks for your comments and support Sharon! :-)

Bob Orsillo
Love the focus Sue! The feather reflection and waterdrops are like little jewels. WfnA :) V/F/G+/Tweet