Down on the Corner

by Sue Capuano
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
3264.000 x 4080.000 pixels
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Comments (12)

Susan Capuano
Thanks so much to the buyer from Marlboro, Vt for the purchase of this cellphone case with one of my Luna Moth images on it! Hope it gives you much joy!.

Karen Slagle
Fantastic details in this closeup Susan. Love that green moth, not sure I've seen one...f/v

Lynn Wohlers
A beautiful picture - it's so rare to see lunas, and I've never seen one covered with raindrops! The rough background and darkness are very effective here.

Bob Orsillo
This is only the second Luna Moth I have seen. To me they are amazing creatures - Awesome capture, beautiful detail! V/F
Sue Capuano replied:
They really are quite beautiful and a delight to watch on a warm spring night! Thanks for your comment and the v/f!