Boss of the Barn

by Sue Capuano
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
2509.000 x 2912.000 pixels
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Boss of the Barn
Sue Capuano
Photograph - Photography
A big orange barn cat soaking up the sun in a barn window in Wesley, Maine.
November 7th, 2011
Similar Subjects
Comments (30)

Sue Capuano
Many thanks to the buyer from Tell City, IN for the purchase of this print! Hope this brings a smile to you for many years to come.

Jacqueline McReynolds
Wonderful capture Susan...love the composition and his curious expression! Gorgeous! f/v

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
Susan, At first I thought this was a painting. Love your galleries. You have so many that I like intensely that they could all be favorites. F/V Thanks for kind words about my paintings and photos.

Phyllis Kaltenbach
I see so many lovely images on your site but this one catches my heart. He looks like he is saying "Don't mess with my barn!" So cute and very well done.

Ann Horn
Wonderful image, Susan. Love the way the cat is ruling the roost and loving it.
Sue Capuano replied:
Yes he looks quite regal doesn't he! Thanks for commenting Ann, I appreciate it!

Steve Harrington
A fine image, Susan! The boss looks grumpy to me...or is it sleepy? :)
Sue Capuano replied:
Most likely both, he was eyeing my dog who was with me but never spied the cat.